Convent of Christ in Tomar: The Convent of Christ is situated in the Portuguese town of Tomar. The convent was founded in 1160. The Convent of Christ was founded as the headquarters of the Knights Templar in Portugal. The convent was part of the defence system created by the Knights Templar to protect the borders of the Christian Kingdoms of Portugal. The Order of the Knights Templar was dissolved in the 14th century. In Portugal, the order was turned into the Knights of the Order of Christ. One of the most important Grand Masters of the order was the Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator. Two Gothic cloisters were built during the time when he was Grand Master, he led the Knights of the Order of Christfor more than 20 years until his death in 1460, his body rests in the Monastery of Batalha. The famous Round Church of the Convent of Christ in Tomar was also built in the 12th century and was modelled after the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The Convent of Christ represents five centuries of history of Portugal and several architectural styles, such as the Baroque, the Byzantine, the Flamboyant-Gothic, the Manueline and the Renaissance styles. The Convent of Christ in Tomar gained the status as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1983. © Copyright World Heritage Photos classic car road trip

The Convent of Christ in Tomar was the headquarters of the Knights Templar, it was founded in 1160. The Convent of Christ is an unique monastery fortress, it was part of the defence system created by the Knights Templar to protect the borders of the Christian Kingdom of Portugal. The convent was built to symbolize the Reconquista. The Convent of Christ in Tomar was declared a UNESCO World Heritage in 1983.
The Convent of Christ in Tomar was the headquarters of the Knights Templar, it was founded in 1160. The Convent of Christ is an unique monastery fortress, it was part of the defence system created by the Knights Templar to protect the borders of the Christian Kingdom of Portugal. The convent was built to symbolize the Reconquista. The Convent of Christ in Tomar was declared a UNESCO World Heritage in 1983.
Convent of Christ in Tomar: The round towers in the outer defensive walls of the Templar castle. The Castle and Convent of Christ are situated on a strategic location, a wooded hilltop near the Nabão Rver. The Castle and Convent in Tomar are surrounded by an outer defensive wall and has a citadel with a keep inside. The construction of round towers in the outer walls and a keep was introduced in Portugal by the Knights Templar.
The Round Church of the Convent of Christ in Tomar. The Convent of Christ was a stronghold and monastery of the Knights Templar. The Round Church was built in the Romanesque style in the 12th century and is situated inside the defensive walls of the convent. The Convent of Christ was the most important stronghold of the Knights Templar in Portugal. Nowadays, the Convent of Christ in Tomar is one of the finest surviving fortresses of the Knights Templar in the world.
Convent of Christ in Tomar: The courtyard and Round Church. The Rotunda is the Romanesque Round Church of the Convent of Christ in Tomar, the round church was built in the 12th century and modelled after the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The Round Church of the Knights Templar has a central octagonal structure, supported by eight columns. The Convent of Christ in Tomar was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983.
At the beginning of the 14th century, the suppression of the Order of the Knights Templar was decreed by Pope Clement V. The Templars were suppressed all over Europe. The Order of the Knights Templar was dissolved by Pope Clement V in 1314. In Portugal, the order was turned into the Knights of the Order of Christ in 1319 and moved to Tomar in 1357. One of the most important Grand Masters of the Order of Christ was the Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator.
The main portal of the Convent of Christ in Tomar is decorated in the Manueline style. The convent represent five centuries of history of Portugal and several styles, such as Flamboyant-Gothic, Manueline, Byzantine, Renaissance and Baroque. The Convent of Christ in Tomar was the headquarters of the Order of Christ. The Convent of Christ in Tomar gained the status as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1983.
Convent of Christ in Tomar: The central structure of the Templar Charola, the Round Church of the Templars, is an octagonal building, supported by eight columns. The interior of the Round Church is lavishly decorated with sculptures and paintings. The Templar Charola still preserves the golden appearance common in Byzantine constructions. The construction and decoration of the Convent of Christ in Tomar continued for nearly five centuries.
Convent of Christ in Tomar: A detail of the interior of the central octagon of the Charola or the Rotunda, the Round Church. The gilded octagonal structure is supported by eight Romanesque columns. The octagon is connected by arches to the surrounding ambulatory. The inside of the Round Church is lavishly decorated with late Gothic or Portuguese Manueline sculptures and paintings. The Round Church of the Templars is the most beautiful part of the Convent of Christ.
Convent van Christus in Tomar: The upper level of the Claustro da Lavagem, the Washing Cloister. The construction of the Washing Cloister started in 1426 and was finished in 1453. The walls of the cloister are decorated with blue-white azulejos, the famous Portuguese tile work. In this cloister, the lay brother did their chorus, they washed their habits in the water basins on the lower levell of the Washing Cloister.
Convent of Christ in Tomar: The Pegões Aqueduct transported fresh water from several natural springs in the mountains close to the small village of Pegões to the Convent of Christ in Tomar. The Pegões Aqueduct is about six kilometres long and consists of 180 arches. it has a maximum heigth of thirty metres. The Pegões Aqueduct was built between 1593 and 1613, it is the largest and most impressive aqueduct in Portugal.