The Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica are situated about 77 km from Wrocław, the capital city of Lower Silesia in Poland. The churches were built after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, a peace treaty that largely ended the European wars of religion. The Churches of Peace were named after the Peace of Westphalia. The Roman Catholic authorities in Silesia permitted Lutheran Protestants to build three Evangelical churches from wood and clay, without steeples and bells, and outside the town walls. The time of construction was limited to just one year. The Church of Peace in Glogów was built in 1651, but this church burned down in 1758. The Church of Peace in Jawor was built in 1654-1655, the church can accommodate about 6000 people. The Church of Peace in Świdnica was built in 1656-1657 and can accommodate about 7500 people. The unique Baroque interior of the Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica is richly decorated. Most of the work of art that adorn the two Churches of Peace was created by Silesian artists. The remaining two Silesian Churches of Peace are the largest religious wood-and-clay buildings in Europe. As the result of the Potsdam Conference in 1945, the towns of Jawor and Świdnica became part of Poland. The Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica gained the status as a UNESCO World Heritage in 2001. © Copyright World Heritage Photos

The Church of Peace in the town of Świdnica in Poland is the largest wooden Baroque church in the world. The interior of the church is adorned with Baroque paintings depicting scenes from the apocalyptic visions of St. John the Evangelist, the paintings have been preserved intact. The Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica were built after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. The Churches of Peace were named after the Peace of Westphalia. The Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica were declared a UNESCO World Heritage in 2001.
The Church of Peace in the town of Świdnica in Poland is the largest wooden Baroque church in the world. The interior of the church is adorned with Baroque paintings depicting scenes from the apocalyptic visions of St. John the Evangelist, the paintings have been preserved intact. The Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica were built after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. The Churches of Peace were named after the Peace of Westphalia. The Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica were declared a UNESCO World Heritage in 2001.
Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica: The huge wood-and-clay Church of Peace in Świdnica is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. The Roman Catholic authorities in Silesia permitted Lutherans to build three churches of wood and clay, without steeples and church bells, outside the town wall. The construction time was limited to just one year. The Church of Peace in the town of Świdnica was built in 1656-1657. The Church of Peace in the town of Jawor was built in 1654-1655. The Church of Peace in the town of Głogów was built in 1651, but this church burned down in 1758.
The Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica: The interior of the Church of Peace in Świdnica is lavishly decorated. The paintings on the ceiling depict Biblical stories: the Holy Trinity, the Fall of Babylon, the Last Judgement and Heavenly Jerusalem. The baptismal font dates from 1611. The church can seat about 7500 people. Photography is not allowed inside the Church of Peace in Świdnica. The Church of Peace in Świdnica is situated 35 km from the Church of Peace in Jawor. These two Polish Churches of Peace are the largest religious wood-and-clay buildings in Europe.
The Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica: The wood-and-clay Church of Peace in Jawor was built in 1654-1655. In the past, in Roman-Catholic parts of Silesia protestants were not allowed to have steeples or bells to their churches. The bell tower of the Church of Peace in Jawor was added in later. The church is dedicated to the Holy Ghost. The church can accommodate about 6000 people. The unique Baroque interior of the Church of Peace in Jawor is lavishly decorated. The church is situated about 78 km from Wrocław, the capital city of Lower Silesia in Poland.
The bell tower of the Church of Peace in the Polish town of Jawor was built in 1707. The church is part of the UNESCO World Heritage: Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica. The elaborate decorations of the church interiors of both churches stands in a stark contrast to their wood-and-clay exterior. Both peace churches are still owned by the sparse protestant communities in Jawor and Świdnica. The towns of Jawor and Świdnica became part of Poland as the result of the Potsdam Conference in 1945.
The Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica: The nave of the Church of Peace in Jawor. The impressive high altar is several storeys tall and dates from 1672. The Church of Peace in Jawor has wooden galleries arranged one above the other. The interior of the church is adorned with 180 paintings representing scenes from the Old and New Testament. The ceiling is decorated in white and blue motifs. The Church of Peace in Jawor is situated 35 km from the Church of Peace Świdnica. Most of the work of art that adorn the Churches of Peace was made by Silesian artists.
Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica: The pulpit of the Church of Peace in Jawor was built in 1670. Along the walls are four storeys of galleries and several balconies. The first and the third galleries were added later. The galleries are decorated with painted scenes from the Bible. The remaining two Churches of Peace are considered to be unique in the world, they are the largest religious wood-and-clay buildings in Europe.The Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2001.