Episcopal Complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the Historic Centre of Poreč: Poreč is located on the west coast of Croatia. The Euphrasian Basilica is the foremost historic monument in Poreč. The Euphrasian Basilica, the atrium, the baptistery and the archbishop's palace are outstanding examples of religious architecture. The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč was built in the 6th century. The Euphrasian Basilica combines classical and Byzantine architecture. The apsis is dominated by a magnificent ciborium that was modelled after the ciborium in St. Mark's Basilica in Venice. The most notable features of the Euphrasian Basilica are the 6th century Byzantine mosaics, the mosaics of the Euphrasian Basilica, along with the mosaics of the early Christian monuments in Ravenna, are considered to be among the finest examples of Byzantine art in the world. The 4th century floor mosaics from an oratory of an earlier basilica are preserved in the garden of the Euphrasian Basilica. The Episcopal Complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the Historic Centre of Poreč was declared a UNESCO World Heritage in 1997.
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The apse of the Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč is adorned with 6th century Byzantine mosaics. The mosaics depict Mother Mary and Child, surrounded by angels, saints and Bishop Euphrasius, the top row depicts Jesus and the twelve apostles. The Episcopal Complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the historic centre of Poreč gained the status as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1997.
The apse of the Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč is adorned with 6th century Byzantine mosaics. The mosaics depict Mother Mary and Child, surrounded by angels, saints and Bishop Euphrasius, the top row depicts Jesus and the twelve apostles. The Episcopal Complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the historic centre of Poreč gained the status as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1997.
The episcopal complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the historic centre of Poreč: The bell tower of the Euphrasian Basilica dates back to the 16the century. The 6th century basilica was built on the site of a previous church from the 4th century, the Euphrasian Basilica is the most important historic monument in the town of Poreč.
The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč viewed from the atrium. The façade of the basilica is decorated with Byzantine mosaics. The present basilica was erected in the 6th century during the period of Bishop Euphrasius. The basilica is an excellent example of Byzantine architecture. The episcopal complex in Poreč is formed by a number of buildings built mostly in the same period.
Episcopal Complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the Historic Centre of Poreč: The entrance gate into the Euphrasian Basilica. The complex is surrounded by a wall. The Euphrasian Basilica, the atrium, the baptistery and episcopal palace are outstanding examples of religious architecture. The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč combines classical and Byzantine style elements.
Historic centre of Poreč: One of the sculpted capitals of the columns in the square atrium of the Euphrasian Basilica, the atrium is a typical example of Byzantine architecture, it is surrounded by a colonnade. The episcopal complex of the Euphrasian Basilica is the main tourist attraction in the Istrian town of Poreč.
The episcopal complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the historic centre of Poreč: The Euphrasian Basilica is adorned with 6th century Byzantine mosaics, they are considered amongst the finest examples of Byzantine art in the world. The apsis is dominated by a ciborium that was modelled after the ciborium in St. Mark's Basilica in Venice.
The episcopal complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the historic centre of Poreč: The nave of the Euphrasian Basilica is supported by columns of Greek marble, the columns are embellished with sculpted Byzantine capitals, they all carry the monogram of Euphrasius, a 6th century Bishop of Poreč. The Euphrasian Basilica was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1997.
Episcopal Complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the Historic Centre of Poreč: A chapel and the centuries-old Gothic choir stalls in the Euphrasian Basilica. The basilica houses religious objects and artworks. A votive chapel houses the relics of St. Maurus of Parentium, the patron saint of Poreč. Poreč was once part of a Roman colony, known as Parentium.
Historic Centre of Poreč: The atrium and the 5th century baptistery of the episcopal complex of the Euphrasian Basilica, the buildings of the complex are arranged around a square colonnaded atrium. The Euphrasian Basilica is the earliest example of a church with three apses in Western Europe. The episcopal complex of the Euphrasian Basilica was named after Bishop Euphrasius.
Episcopal Complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the Historic Centre of Poreč: The wooden ceiling of the octagonal baptistery of the Euphrasian Basilica. An octagonal-shaped baptistery covered by a wooden roof was typical for Early Christian architecture, the baptistery has the shape of an octagon in order to recall the octava dies, the eighth day: the Day of Resurrection.
Historic centre of Poreč: The Roman floor mosaics and a column from the oratory of an earlier basilica. The mosaics date back to the 4th century, they were originally part of a Roman house. Nowadays, the Roman floor mosaics are preserved in the garden of the episcopal complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč.
The Archbishop's Palace is situated in the episcopal complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the historic centre of Poreč. The former Archbishop's Palace was built in the 6th century for Bishop Euphrasius. The palace was restored to its original state, as in the time Bishop Euphrasius lived here. Nowadays, the palace is a museum and houses ecclesiastical art from the Istrian region.
Episcopal Complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the Historic Centre of Poreč: One of the rooms in the former archbishop's palace in Poreč. The Bishops of Poreč used to live here until 1992, a new residence was built on the west side of the complex. The archbishop's palace in Poreč was built in the 6th century. The palace is located near Euphrasian Basilica and is now a museum.
The bell tower of the Euphrasian Basilica rises high above the historic centre of Poreč. The town of Poreč is situated on a small peninsula surrounded by the Adriatic Sea. The Episcopal Complex in the Historic Centre of Poreč includes the basilica, a baptistery, the atrium, the bell tower, floor mosaics from an earlier basilica and the archbishop's palace.