Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž: Kroměříž is a Moravian town in the Czech Republic. The Castle at Kroměříž was the main residence of the bishops of Olomouc and since 1777 the archbishops of Olomouc. The first castle on this location was built in 1497. In 1664 the castle at Kroměříž was renovated into a Baroque castle by the Olomouc Bishop Karl II von Liechtenstein-Castelkorno. The Flower Garden is a true masterpiece of European garden design of the 17th century, it is the turning point between the Italian Renaissance garden style and the French garden style, such as, for example, the gardens of Versailles. From 22 November 1848 until 7 March 1849 Kroměříž was temporarely declared into the capital city of Austria. The Castle at Kroměříž became known as the place where the Constitutional Congress of Austria was held, it took place in the dining room. Now, the dinning room is called the Assembly Hall in rememberance of the congress. The castle accommodate one of the greatest art collections in Europe. Kroměříž is situated about 38 km from Olomouc and about 64 km from Brno. The Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž gained the status as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1998. © Copyright World Heritage Photos

The Rotunda is situated in the centre of the Baroque Flower Garden at Kroměříž. All the garden paths lead towards the Baroque Rotunda, the interior is embellished with frescoes and stucco. The Flower Garden at Kroměříž was established in the 17th century by the bBishop of Olomouc, Karl II von Liechtenstein-Castelkorno. The Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž gained the status as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1998.
The Rotunda is situated in the centre of the Baroque Flower Garden at Kroměříž. All the garden paths lead towards the Baroque Rotunda, the interior is embellished with frescoes and stucco. The Flower Garden at Kroměříž was established in the 17th century by the bBishop of Olomouc, Karl II von Liechtenstein-Castelkorno. The Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž gained the status as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1998.
Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž: The castle viewed from the Chateau Garden. The history of the Gardens and Castle is closely linked to the bishops of Olomouc. The castle was the residence of the bishops and since 1777 the archbishops of Olomuoc. The first castle on this site was built in 1497. In 1664, the castle was renovated into a Baroque castle by the Bishop of Olomouc Karl II von Liechtenstein-Kastelkorn.
The courtyard and main entrance of the Castle at Kroměříž. The castle houses an art collection, it is the second finest in the Czech Republic and includes one of the late paintings by Titian: The Flaying of Marsyas. Titian is considered one of the greatest painters of the Italian Renaissance. The library houses over 33,000 manuscripts. The Gardens and Castle at Kromeríz belong to the most important castle complexes in the Czech Republic.
Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž: The U-shaped staircase of Kroměříž Castle is embellished with statues. Karl II von Liechtenstein-Castelkorno, Bishop of Olomouc, managed to lay the basis for one of the greatest art collections in Europe. The Castle at Kroměříž was once a representative mansion of spiritual, political and economic governance of a substantial part of Moravia.
Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž: The interior of the Assembly Hall belongs to the most beautiful Rococo interiors in Central Europe. The Castle at Kroměříž became known as the location where the Constitutional Congress of Austria was held in 1848 - 1849, it took place in the dining room. Nowadays, the dinning room is called the Assembly Hall in rememberance of this congress.
One of the follies in the historic Chateau Garden at Kroměříž represents a neoclassical temple. The Chateau Garden, the park surrounding the Castle at Kroměříž, is a wonderful example of a landscape park before the mid-19th century. The gardens at Kroměříž consists of the Chateau Garden and a Baroque Flower Garden. The Flower Garden lies outside the centre of Kroměříž.
Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž: A small neoclassical folly in the Chateau Garden. The gardens at Kroměříž consists of a Chateau Garden and a Flower Garden. The Chateau Garden is laid out in the English Garden style, the Flower Garden is a superb example of Baroque garden design. The gardens are decorated with neoclassical temples, statues and fountains.
Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž: One side of the Baroque Flower Garden is lined with an arched colonade. The colonade is adorned with statues of the gods of antiquity. The Flower Garden is a masterpiece of 17th century European garden design, it is decorated with neoclassical temples, statues and fountains. Kroměříž is a Moravian town in the Czech Republic.