Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico) of Padua in Italy: The Botanical Garden of Padua is the oldest academic botanical garden in the world. It was founded in 1545 by the Republic of Venice. The Botanical Garden is associated with the University of Padua. The Botanical Garden of Padua was devoted to the growth of medicinal plants, also called the 'simple plants'. The Botanical Garden of Padua has made an important contribution to the development of medicine and pharmacy. Today, the collection of the botanical garden includes for example alpine plants, aquatic plants, medicinal plants, mediterranean plants, poisonous plants and orchids. The oldest plant in the Botanical Garden of Padua is a palm, called the Goethe-palm, planted in 1585, the tree stands inside a greenhouse. There is also a Magnolia grandiflora, planted around 1786, and a Ginkgo biloba, planted around 1750. Padua is situated in the Veneto region, about 40 km west of Venice and about 40 km southeast of Vicenza. The Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico) of Padua gained the status as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1997. Another UNESCO World Heritage in Padua is: Padua's Fourteenth Century Fresco Cycles. World Heritage Art: The Ginkgo Biloba Tree © Copyright World Heritage Photos

The Botanical Garden of Padua is the oldest academic garden in the world. The oldest plant in the botanical garden is a palm tree, called the Goethe-palm, planted in 1585, the tree is located inside a greenhouse. There is also a Magnolia grandiflora, planted around 1786, and a Ginkgo biloba, planted around 1750. The Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico) of Padua was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1997.
The Botanical Garden of Padua is the oldest academic garden in the world. The oldest plant in the botanical garden is a palm tree, called the Goethe-palm, planted in 1585, the tree is located inside a greenhouse. There is also a Magnolia grandiflora, planted around 1786, and a Ginkgo biloba, planted around 1750. The Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico) of Padua was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1997.
Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico) of Padua: The East Gate. The Botanical Garden of Padua was founded in 1545. At that time, Padua was under the rule of the Republic of Venice. The garden was planted with plant species from all over the world, mainly from those countries connected economically or politically with the Republic of Venice. The garden was adorned with fountains, vases and busts of well-known people.
The Fountain of the Four Seasons in the Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico) of Padua. The Italian architect Andrea Moroni was involved it the construction of the botanical garden. The garden is well-known for its historical design and the special plant collections. The garden still preserves its original layout. The plan of the garden is circular, symbolizing the world, and is surrounded by water, representing the ocean. Some ornamental garden elements were added later.
Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico), Padua: The information boards in braille allows blind people to recognize the plants by smelling and touching. In the beginning of its existence, the Botanical Garden of Padua was devoted to medicinal plants, also called the 'simple plants'. Nowadays, the collection of the botanical garden includes for example alpine plants, aquatic plants, medicinal plants, mediterranean plants, poisonous plants and orchids.
Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico), Padua: The Goethe Palm, the oldest plant in the garden, was planted in 1585. The palm is known as the Goethe Palm because the poet and writer referred to the palm tree in his essay 'The Metamorphosis of Plants', after he visited the botanical garden of Padua in 1786. Among the historic trees in the Botanical Garden of Padua are a magnolia and a ginkgo, planted in the mid-18th century, both trees belong to the oldest specimens in Europe.
The Botanical Garden of Padua was the first botanical garden in the world, it was founded in 1545. The garden was enriched with plants from all over the world. Later, a herbarium, a library and a greenhouses were built. The garden played an important role in the study of exotic plant species. The Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico) of Padua was declared a UNESCO World Heritage in 1997. Padua is a city in northern Italy in the Veneto region.